on the job: malvern prep marketing shoot

One of the many reasons I love my job is because of the many ways that projects come together. My creativity often feeds off of the unpredictability of photo shoots — will the weather hold out? Will the subjects show? It’s a lot of nimble problem solving and thinking on my feet. It’s not unusual for me to be thinking about my next shot while I’m still clicking away at my current one.

When I’m working in the education space, I often work directly with a school’s marketing or admissions office. Typically myself and someone (or multiple someones) on staff will craft a timeline and shot list, and determine our overall goals for the session. Then, on the appointed day, we make it happen.

But other times I’m contacted by a marketing agency on behalf of a school or business. So when LeapFrog Group reached out to do a marketing shoot for Malvern Preparatory School, it was another chance to test my theories on collaboration being the cornerstone of creativity.

Of course LeapFrog Group is a fun, well-organized, and professional outfit. They included me in every step of the planning process, understanding that I was integral to the shoot in more ways than just showing up to take the photos. We planned for two days at Malvern Prep so that we could truly get a good representation of their campus and community — from academics to spirituality and beyond.

When the shoot dates came around, LeapFrog joined our on-the-ground shoot team (hi, Nancy!), which was incredibly helpful. So often I’m shooting images for a general image library, but when we’re also shooting for a specific use — like a web update or a view book — it’s so helpful for someone from the design team to be on site. They have a great idea of the full brand story, the layout, what other images are in the piece, and other project specific details that help inform how I shoot.

And then of course it’s always great to have a second set of eyes on things. She helped tremendously with identifying things like potential background distractions, rumpled ties, and keeping track of our daily objectives.

I am always game to collaborate with the LeapFrog Group and other like-minded agencies!


don’t sleep on lifestyle branding


on the job: ballinger lifestyle shoot